Develop & Comply

Be compliant without the need to migrate to new technologies, just develop new code.

Expand COBOL systems to meet new business needs and evolving regulatory requirements.

Our Development service at COBOLagency is meticulously crafted to expand the functionality and capabilities of existing COBOL systems. By integrating new features and enhancements, we ensure these systems remain fully compliant with regulatory standards, adaptable to changing business demands, and aligned with evolving technological and operational requirements.

New Code Implementation

We develop and implement new features that expand the capabilities of your COBOL systems. By adding functionality, we help ensure your system continues to meet evolving business needs.

Modular Code Integration

We use modular development approaches, enabling us to add new code elements without disrupting existing functionalities. This modularity makes your COBOL system more adaptable and easier to manage.

Regulatory Compliance Updates

Our team integrates updates to keep your systems compliant with industry regulations. This is essential for maintaining alignment with current legal and operational standards.

Backward Compatibility

We ensure that newly developed features work seamlessly with existing system components. This preserves your system’s stability while adding valuable new capabilities.

Mainframer LLM

We leverage the latest and most advanced language models for COBOL to develop new code with remarkable efficiency. Our approach achieves a compiling rate that is 74.5% faster than any other solution in the legacy systems industry. This means we can produce high-quality, optimized COBOL code more rapidly, enhancing productivity and minimizing turnaround times for critical updates and new functionalities.


Se a sua tecnologia está a drenar recursos em vez de os otimizar, podemos voltar a colocá-lo no caminho certo. Um fornecedor de serviços geridos profissionalmente pode dar-lhe a vantagem decisiva para:

Regulatory Compliance

Make your COBOL systems stay aligned with regulatory requirements.

Extended System Value

Increase the value of legacy systems with new functionalities.

Improved Adaptability

Enable COBOL systems to respond effectively to new business requirements.

Consultoria em TI

Oferecemos soluções de TI acessíveis que o ajudam a reduzir os custos e a melhorar os seus resultados.

Cost-Effective Upgrades

Maximize system investment with cost-effective feature additions.

Enhanced Responsiveness

Update COBOL systems to meet current business needs and drive growth. Just put more functionalities to the code wihout transpiling it.


Associe-se a nós para obter soluções COBOL abrangentes

Confie na COBOLagency para manter, modernizar e otimizar os seus sistemas COBOL. Nossos serviços melhoram o desempenho, a segurança e a escalabilidade para atender às necessidades atuais. Da documentação e refatoração à migração e integração na nuvem, maximizamos o valor dos seus sistemas COBOL.

As suas vantagens:
O que é que acontece a seguir?

Agendamos uma chamada à sua conveniência 


Fazemos uma avaliação do sistema para verificar os seus principais problemas 


Elaboramos uma proposta única adaptada ao seu percurso COBOL

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